Monday, May 31, 2010

GMI for me... n my live recently

Early 5.45 a.m., alarm clock woke me up, i climbed unwillingly frm my beloved bed... It took around 1 hour for our journey frm my hostel cemara to GMI at Bangi. We r goin to do our engineering practical thr...

Let us skip all those introduction and jump straight into wad r we exactly doin in GMI...

Time table for this week:
Mon till Thurs:
8.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. Bench Work
1.00 p.m. - 2.00 p.m. Rest
2.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. Electrical Theory Lecture

D first day (today) we reached thr, we r briefed n given goggles, shoes and accessories... Bench work... we r guided n entered each of our classes... It's all fine... our teacher is funny n we hav fun of his jokes as well... we r so *upset* to be released so early at 11.00 a.m.

Then... we r stayin in library of GMI while w8-ing for next lecture...

Finally it's tym for electrical theory lecture.... *ohyea~* a no special madam coming in our class... she looked ordinary.... then our lecture started... *haha, so happy*, coz she's reading d notes dat is given to us... *I started to love this teaching method as it is so special n keep my eyes closing... it's a challenging mission to me... as i hav to keep my eyes open... =)*. tmr i guess is mission level 2 d, the difficulty mayb increase... *I really can't w8 for dat, damn exciting*

Bsides... oh... aleluya.. mr sudad's teaching is finally questioned... an *it's good*, coz me n my frens sitting bside me is confused... lyk being stunned by tidehunter's ulti in dota, *grin!*

last but not least, d food thr is *super nice* ^^ dun worry my family n my frenz, i m living my life happily over here... =)

1 comment:

  1. Is it true that the food there is *super nice*? Then what about Penang's food? LOL
